Test av antigen mot hjärtmask hos hundar (CHW Ag)

The product is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of canine heartworm antigen (CHW Ag) in canine’s Whole Blood/Serum.


CHW is an infectious disease that can infect dogs of any age through mosquito bite. Because CHW lives in canine’s heart, it can cause chronic endocarditis, heart hypertro phy and right ventricular dilatation. When the infection is severe, venous congestion can lead to ascites and hepatomegaly.


1.Få resultat inom 15 minuter
2.Lätt att samla in prover
3.Resultaten är tydligt synliga
4. Ingen utrustning krävs
5. lämplig för snabb screening i stor skala


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